For Clients: Submissions
The Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE) at the University of Connecticut is a full-service research and analytical chemistry facility, supporting the needs of academic, government, commercial, and non-profit organizations.
CESE Environmental Chemistry Laboratories benefit from a comprehensive capacity to conduct physical and chemical analyses of bioactive compounds including cannabinoids and persistent or nontraditional environmental pollutants in biological tissues, surface and ground waters, sediments, soils, and hazardous waste. The state-of-the-art laboratories are staffed by experienced professionals that provide timely analytical results of a high quality, under the umbrella of a comprehensive quality management system, certified by the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health.
How It Works
How to Submit Samples
There are several options for transporting your samples to the lab for testing. Clients can physically bring samples to the lab on the UConn Storrs campus or send them via courier using next-day service (UPS or FedEx) to: 3107 Horsebarn Hill Rd, Unit 4210, Storrs, CT 06269
To ensure sample integrity, store samples in a cooler with ice packs until they are delivered to the lab. All samples shipped to the laboratory should be frozen prior to shipment or shipped in a cooler with ice packs.
Regardless of the method you choose, all samples must be accompanied by a completed chain of custody (CoC) form . This form contains spaces for the client to provide the required information to correctly handle and process your samples. Required information includes sample identification; location, date, and time of collection; preservation type; required turnaround time; sample matrix; and analytical tests. Expedited turnaround times must be approved by the Lab Director (christopher.perkins@uconn.edu) prior to sample submittal. The labs will not accept sample submissions with incomplete CoCs. Please contact the laboratories with any questions on how to fill out the CoC.
Organics Rates
Nutrients Rates
Metals Rates
Chain of Custody
Billing FAQs
CESE Laboratory Billing
Sample Drop-Off Hours
CESE is open to receive samples Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Sample drop-off may be available outside of normal hours with prior approval.
How to Obtain Sample Bottles
CESE does not charge for sample bottles; however, we do not have a courier service nor do we ship to clients. Sample bottles can be picked up during our regular business hours. We recommended contacting us in advance to ensure availability.
Standard Turnaround Time
At CESE we make every attempt to provide results regarding the analysis of samples within a 28-day turnaround time. We may be able to accommodate priority turnaround times, with prior approval, at an additional charge. Please contact us for approval.
CESE can provide customized electronic data deliverables to its customers. Electronic data transfer can be provided in Excel or Adobe PDF. CESE is more than willing to customize the format to meet customers’ needs.
For laboratory information, price quotations, or other questions please contact:
Christopher Perkins, Laboratory Director
Phone: (860) 486-4015
Email: christopher.perkins@uconn.edu
Laboratories and Instrumentation
CESE has three divisions with extensive analytical expertise and instrumentation in environmental analysis.

Nutrients Division
The Nutrients Division determines concentrations of nutrient series, saline water samples, as well as in solid matrices. This laboratory is certified by the Connecticut Department of Public Health for the analysis of nutrients in non-potable waters.

Organics Division
The Organics Division identifies and quantifies trace organic compounds in water, soil, sediment, and tissue at the part-per-billion (ppb) and part-per-trillion (ppt) level using standard EPA and NOAA methods as well as CESE-developed methods.

Metals Division
The Metals Division analyzes trace elements in water, soil, sediment, tissue, and filters at the part-per-billion (ppb) level using EPA and NOAA methods.